Molia Dumbleton
Molia Dumbleton's fiction has appeared in Ecotone, The Kenyon Review, New England Review, Cincinnati Review, Wigleaf, Witness, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere, and been anthologized in The Bath Flash Fiction Anthology, The Bridport Prize Anthology, and Best Small Fictions 2020. Her work has been awarded the Seán Ó Faoláin Story Prize (Ireland) and Columbia Journal Winter Fiction Award (selected by Roxane Gay), among others, and her collection of stories has been a finalist for the Press 53 Award for Short Fiction, Black Lawrence Press Hudson Prize, and Iowa Short Fiction Award.
She has a B.A. from Oberlin College, an M.A. from Rice University, an M.A. in Creative Writing from Northwestern University, and an M.F.A. in Writing from Bennington College. She is an Assistant Fiction Editor for Split Lip Magazine and has served as a reader for both the Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction and the AWP Series Prize for the Novel. She teaches creative writing at DePaul University.